Fall Cluster Meeting
This event brings all of our synod ELCA churches together. Trinity is hosting this gathering and all Trinity women are invited to attend. Our speaker for the morning will be our own Lori Bermel, who will be presenting information about a project called Too Little Children. This organization is looking for volunteers to make washable, […]
Installation Service
Come and officially welcome Pastor Randy as Pastor of our Trinity family on Sunday, September 29, at 4:00pm in the afternoon. Area Pastors have been invited to participate and our Chancel and Bell Choirs, as well as our Praise Team will provide the special music. Join us after the service for an ice cream social […]
Trinity Women’s Fellowship (TWF)
The women of Trinity work together to fund-raise for a variety of projects within Trinity and in the community. TWF includes all women who attend Trinity. Trinity currently has two women’s circles which meet monthly for Bible Study and fellowship. If interested in participating, just come to a meeting. Both circles meet at the church. […]
2024 VBS
Vacation Bible SchoolJUNE 2-66:00-8:00 P.M. All youth preschool thru 5th grade are encouraged to join us for a week of fun and excitement as we DIVE DEEP into the Bible. Our deep sea divers will dive below the surface to build a strong faith!Watch your mail for VBS Registration forms. There will also be registration […]
Christmas Gift-Giving Project
Our Sunday School youth will take on their own gift-giving project this Christmas. We are asking our Sunday School families to purchase the items needed to include in a Personal Care bag (listed below), which will be handed out to our neighbors in need at Mid-Town Family Community Center during one of their Saturday meals […]
ELCA Good Gifts
Our Sunday School youth made their selection of items to give families overseas with the $615 raised this past year through Sunday School offering and donations. The above items totaled $615. Our youth are thoughtful shoppers! Thank you to parents and Trinity members for helping our youth raise the funds for this very important mission […]
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