“Gathering in Faith, Living in Hope, Serving in Love…
Blown by the Spirit!”
We hold two worship services on Sunday mornings. Our Traditional Service is at 9:00am and our Contemporary Praise Service is at 11:00am. During the school year we also have an Educational Hour for all ages, including an Adult Bible Study and Fellowship.
Families with Young Children
There are children’s bulletins available for ages 3-6 (yellow) and 7-12 (blue), plus activity bags at each entrance. The nursery is located through the side door of the sanctuary and down the hall, last door on the right.
The Men’s and Women’s restrooms are located through the side door of the sanctuary and straight down the hallway on the left side. There are also restrooms downstairs off the fellowship hall.
There is an elevator available which stops on all levels of the church building. The elevator is located in the corner of the larger gathering room off of the worship area. A wheelchair is also available and is located near the door.
Coffee Fellowship
Join our Trinity family members for coffee, goodies and conversation in-between services.
Worship Notes
9am Worship – Hymns and songs are in the red Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) hymnal. The (*) next to certain parts of the service means to stand if you are able.
11am Worship – Praise songs will be printed on the screens.
Holy Communion
We believe that Jesus himself is the host of the communion meal, and so everyone who is baptized into Jesus Christ and believes that Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine is invited to commune. When you come forward, if you are receiving the wine, take a clean cup from the tray on the table. If you need grape juice, take a cup from the center of the tray with the white grape juice in it. When the pastor comes with the bread, hold your hand up to receive the wafer. When the assistance comes with the wine, hold your cup up and they will pour the wine into it (unless you have grape juice).
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