How to Use this Service: This order of worship is intended to be a resource for people to worship in their own homes. The service can be led by an individual, or parts can be divided among those present. The message from Pastor Scott can be read and may also include a time for discussion. The suggested prayers may be used, but people are encouraged to include their own prayers as the Spirit guides them. This service will be live streamed on Facebook at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.
L=Leader A=All
L: In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit
A: Amen
Praise Song
Greet One Another in Christian Love and Fellowship
Praise Song
Prayer of the Day
L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.
A: And also with you.
L: Let us pray,
A: O God, you direct our lives by your grace, and your words of justice and mercy reshape the world. Mold us into a people who welcome your word and serve one another, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
A: Amen.
Bible Reading: Acts 2:37-47
L: The holy gospel according to Matthew.
A: Glory to you, O Lord.
Matthew 10:40-42
L: The gospel of the Lord.
A: Praise to you, O Christ.
Sermon – “Cut to the Heart”
Song: #575 – In Christ Called to Baptize
L: Called into unity with one another and the whole creation, let us pray for our shared world.
L: God of companionship, encourage our relationships with our siblings in Christ. Bless our conversations. Shape our shared future and give us hearts eager to join in a festal shout of praise. Hear us, O God.
A: Your mercy is great.
L: God of mercy, your grace is poured out for all. Inspire authorities, judges, and politicians to act with com-passion. Teach us to overcome fear with hope, meet hate with love, and welcome one another as we would welcome you. Hear us, O God.
A: Your mercy is great.
L: God of care, accompany all who are in deepest need. Strengthen those who are in prison or awaiting trial. Comfort those who are sick, lonely, or abandoned, especially Skip Meisner, Barb Curry, Doug Walker, Jim Mandicino, and Jim Sorvaag’s sister, Karen, as they face the ordeals of cancer. We also pray for Ken Cain, Merle Hanslip, Janet Burrack, and Mary Olorundami’s grandfather, Ray Horton, as they continue to face health issues. We lift up the family of Keith McLarnan, as they grieve his loss. Renew the spirits of all who call upon you. Hear us, O God.
A: Your mercy is great.
L: God of community, we give thanks for this congregation. Give us passion to embrace your mission and the vision to recognize where you are leading us. Teach us how to live more faithfully with each other. Hear us, O God.
A: Your mercy is great.
Here other intercessions may be offered.
L: Receive these prayers, O God, and those too deep for words; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
A: Amen.
Lord’s Prayer
L: The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord look upon you with favor, + and give you peace.