Trinity Lutheran Church has not gathered as a congregation since March 15, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On July 12 we will gather again as a congregation, but on a very limited basis and with many precautions. Here are the guidelines for worship beginning on July 12.
- If you have any symptoms of sickness (of any kind), or if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please continue to worship at home.
- We will practice physical distancing.
- Please refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or even talking with people in the building.
- Maintain a distance of six feet from anyone who is not in your household.
- Please only sit in the designated areas. Many of the pews and chairs will be blocked off in order to maintain distance between households and individuals.
- People will be seated from the front to the back, sitting in the next available seat. People will not be able to choose where they sit.
- If a household is large, it may have to be split up to maintain distance from others.
- At the end of the service people will be dismissed from the back to the front. This will reduce people walking past people who are already seated.
- Please do not talk and visit with people inside the building. After the service, go directly outside.
- When you arrive, come in through the narthex door that faces the parking lot. This is the only door that we will use. There will be a Worship Attendant there to open the door so that you do not have to touch a door handle. Go through the narthex and into the sanctuary through the doors in the back. The Worship Attendants will direct you to the next available seat.
- If you need to use the elevator, let the Worship Attendant know and they will direct you.
- The building is still closed, except for the sanctuary. Please do not go into other parts of the building.
- If you need to use the restroom, go out the back of the sanctuary to the narthex and let a Worship Attendant know. This way we can avoid accidentally coming into close contact with people in the restroom.
- Everyone is strongly encouraged to wear a face mask. Pastor Scott and the other worship leaders will be wearing face masks. If you do not have a mask, there will be some available when you arrive.
- We will not be using any bulletins or hymnals. The entire service will be projected on the screen.
- We will not have communion at the first few services. Hopefully, we can commune in August, but this will be decided later.
- No food or drink will be allowed in the building.
- There will be no greeting each other in Christian love and fellowship or passing of the peace.
- We will not pass the offering plates. Instead there will be plates in the back. You may drop your offering in the plate as you come in or go out.
- Children should stay with their families the entire time. Families are responsible for keeping their children a safe distance from others.
- All of the public spaces in the building will be cleaned and sanitized on Saturday before the service.
- Please respect other people’s desire to maintain distance. Do not be offended if people stay away from you and do not speak with you.
- If you plan to attend worship, please RSVP by contacting the church office by July 10. This way we know approximately how many people to expect so that we can plan for the best distancing.
- Even with all of these precautions, there will still be risk for anyone who gathers for worship. Be aware of these risks and only come if you are comfortable with them. It is better to stay home and safe if you need to than to put yourself or others in danger. Hopefully, as time goes on, more and more of the congregation will be able to gather.
- The worship services will continue to be live-streamed for those who are unable or not ready to come back to church.
Please Note: If you would like to volunteer as a Worship Attendant on any Sunday, please contact the church office as soon as possible.