Ash Wednesday Services – February 22
Our Lenten Journey begins on Wednesday, February 22 with our Ash Wednesday services at 4:30 and 7:00pm. Come and take part in this special service, which includes the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.
There will not be a soup supper served on Ash Wednesday. Soup suppers will be served before the Wednesday evening Lenten services beginning March 1st.
Lenten Soup Suppers
These meals will be served by our youth on Wednesday evenings during the Lenten season from 5:00-6:30pm. All funds raised from our Lenten suppers go into our youth account. A variety of soups will be served, along with french bread and dessert. Come and enjoy a hot bowl of soup and good fellowship before you attend the Lenten worship at 7:00 (March 1 through March 29).
Midweek Lent: How should we pray?
Jesus’ disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray. Jesus responds with the Lord’s Prayer. During the five Wednesdays of Lent, we will study the Lord’s Prayer, and not only what it teaches us about prayer, but even more what it teaches us about God.
March 1 – God is Holy
March 8 – God’s Will, Not My Own
March 15 – God Provides
March 22 – God Forgives
March 29 – God Saves
Wednesday Evening Schedule (during Lent)
The Confirmation class will not meet at 6:00pm during Lent. Instead, the students will attend the 7:00pm service with their families. The activity/worship schedule for the Wednesdays during Lent is as follows:
5:00-6:30 – Soup Supper
5:30-6:00 – Chancel Choir
6:00-7:00 – Handbell Choir
7:00-7:30 – Lenten Service