Palm/Passion Sunday – April 2nd (9am and 11am services)
We begin the journey to the cross at both services this morning as we follow Jesus into Jerusalem with shouts of “Hosanna”. Matthew’s account of Jesus’ final days will be portrayed by those who witnessed the events leading up to Jesus’ death.
Maundy Thursday – April 6th (7pm)
Our journey will continue on Maundy Thursday as we gather at the table of the last supper with the disciples and further discover what this last meal meant for them and continues to mean for us as the family of God.
Good Friday – April 7th (7pm)
We will contemplate Jesus’ death for us on the cross and the life-giving Passion of our Lord’s great love for us.
Easter Sunday Services – April 9th
The story of our Savior’s Love will come to its completion on Easter Sunday at both the 9am and 11am services with the glorious celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection. It is God’s gift of great love for us all. Come and see!
Easter Breakfast fund-raiser/Easter Egg Hunt
Our youth will be serving a delicious breakfast on Easter Sunday morning from 8am-11am. They will serve you and there will be a free will donation basket for the youth fund. Instead of going out to eat with your families, come down and enjoy good food and fellowship, as well as support our youth. An Easter Egg Hunt will also take place in-between services for preschool and elementary aged youth.