
Trinity Lutheran Church has many activities for children of all ages from Vacation Bible School, middle and high school youth groups, children’s choirs, as well as Confirmation and Sunday School.

Every three years Trinity Youth, eighth grade through high school attend the ELCA Youth Gathering with 35,000 young people in attendance.

Sunday School

Sunday School meets September through May at 10:00 am on Sundays for all children 3-years-old through eighth grade. Confirmation Classes meet on Wednesday nights, September through May, 6:00-7:30 for young people in the 6th-8th grades.

Young people are then confirmed in the Fall of their 9th grade year.

The Sunday School offering and birthday money collected this year will again go toward buying a cow or chickens, etc., for a family as part of the ELCA Good Gifts program. We will be making a difference in one or more families by participating in this program, so please remember to send offering and birthday money along with your child(ren) to Sunday School. The more we collect . . . the more we can help!

Youth Choir

We have two children’s choirs that sing September through May in our worship services.

The Cherub Choir is for 3-year-olds through 5-year-olds. The Amen Choir is for those in First through Fifth Grades. We also have a Chime Choir for those in the elementary grades.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is the first full week in June. We welcome all children ages 3 through the 5th grade.

It is an interactive Bible School where the children hear a story, learn songs, do arts and crafts, share a snack and play games.

Youth Group

This group will meet every Wednesday night from 7:00-8:15 here at the church. Food will be available and rides home will be provided by an adult, if needed (please sign a permission slip). Just come whenever you can, and bring a friend!