Stepping Stone 4 – My Bible: Our 3rd graders will be taught this Stepping Stone during the Sunday School
hour again this year. They will be taking a journey through their Bibles and highlighting important passages with
their parents, and then their “used” Bible will be presented to them in the spring. Thank you to David Daniels for
teaching the SS4 class this year and also to Amy Bomgaars for volunteering to sub this class when needed.
Sunday School w/Earl: Our 6th-12th graders will gather in the Youth Room for Sunday School w/Earl.
Bibles for our 3-year-olds: Any youth turning 3 this fall will receive their own Bibles during a special presentation
on Sunday, September 15.
Sunday Adult Study: All adults interested in learning a little more about the Bible are invited and encouraged to
attend our Sunday morning adult study in the fellowship hall. They are currently studying the book of Matthew
led by Phil Vlach.