Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
What needs to be new in your life? What old habits need to die and be replaced with new ones? Now is a great time to get into a new routine.
“Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. Everything old has passed away, see, everything has become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) In Jesus, you are a new creation. You are not trapped in your old life, destined to remain as you are. You have a new life, in Jesus, and so you can live with hope that every day is new.
This time after Easter is a good time to focus on your new life in Christ. New life is growing up from the ground as spring sprouts up. Each Sunday we hear Bible stories about the new reality that comes with Jesus raised from the dead. And we are looking forward to a new era after the pandemic.
I pray that each of you experiences the joy of new life in Christ. I pray that the Spirit empowers you to make new habits and develop new routines. I pray that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father, you too might walk in newness of life.
God Bless.
Pastor Scott C. Egbers