Did you Know
January 17, 2021
Posted by TrinityAdmin
- Confirmation will resume in-person classes next Wednesday, January 20?
- If you would like Pastor Scott to bring communion to your home following our worship services, fill free to contact the church office? We have individual communion boxes with the bread and wine for this purpose.
- Offering envelopes and poinsettias will be available in the narthex beginning this Sunday? Please pick up your offering envelopes as soon as possible so you can begin using them this year. It helps the money counters if you place your offering in the envelopes. We have a few poinsettias left if anyone would want to stop in and pick one or two up or take one with you on Sunday. They will be thrown out on Monday.
- Snow Removal – Volunteers are needed for a week at a time to help remove the snow from our sidewalks before worship services and during the week? Sign up via the Google Sign-Up Sheet or you can also call the church office to sign up.
- If you ordered a poinsettia{s}, you can pick it/them up anytime? Call before you stop to make sure someone is in the office. We will be taking down the Christmas tree, etc., next week, so any poinsettias not picked up will be thrown out. Please let the church office know if you do not want your poinsettia(s).
- The church building continues to have restricted access due to the spread of COVID-19? However, people may come to the building if they have a need to. Anyone coming to the building, other than staff, are asked to call ahead of time. This will prevent too many people dropping in at one time.
- The 2021 Altar Flower Chart is up on the bulletin board in the Narthex? If you would like to give the altar flowers in memory of or in honor of a loved one, please sign up on the chart or call the church office to sign up. The cost of the flowers is $32 per Sunday. You can place your payment in an envelope marked “Altar Flowers” or write “Altar Flowers” on the memo line of your check.
- If anyone would like to volunteer to usher, assist with communion or acolyte during either of the services, please call the church office? Once we know you are willing to volunteer, we can set up a weekly schedule.