Posted by TrinityAdmin

February 17
7:00 p.m.

Our Lenten Journey begins with our
Ash Wednesday Services


February 24 – March 24

5:45-7:00 Youth Group
7:00-7:45 Lenten Worship

We will not have soup suppers this year.
There will not be Confirmation classes during the Lenten Season, but students will be attending the Lenten services with their families.

Lent: What to Keep and What to Throw Out

This year, we are observing Lent by learning about what God wants to get rid of and what God wants to keep. It is like moving to a new town for a new job. It is the beginning of a new life in a new place—a new school, new friends, new community. When anybody moves, they pack their things and they decide: What do they need for living in this new place, and what do they get rid of. What is going to be a part of the new life and what is part of the old life.
There are many ways that God reveals what God wants and does not want, but one of the most foundational is the Ten Commandments. Each Wednesday during Lent we will study these commandments and ask, “What does this reveal about what God wants our new life to be like?” What we will find is that this new life is a life of joy and freedom and peace.

MARCH, 14, 21 & 28 FROM 10:15-10:45

This Sunday will be the first of a special 3-week Sunday School for our youth in preschool thru 5th grade. They will be encouraged to Walk with Jesus to the Cross as they learn about what happened to Jesus from Palm Sunday through Holy Week, and then celebrate his resurrection on Easter.
Earl will also be getting together with the Middle/High School youth up in the Youth Room.
Everyone will be asked to wear their face masks and social distancing will be followed.