Ash Wednesday Services – February 14
Our Lenten journey begins with our 4:30 ad 7:00 Ash Wednesday Services this Wednesday evening. Come and take part in this special service which includes the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. We thank Bishop Lorna Halaas for leading the services on Wednesday.
Midweek Worship for Lent – Holy Lament
Each Wednesday during Lent (February 21-March 20), we will explore various kinds of lament found in scripture. We will consider what it means to sit with our grief, rather than try to push it aside. We will discover that many faithful believers have wrestled with grief, sorrow, and questions for God about why the innocent suffer. This series understands lament as one of the more faithful things we can do.
When we approach God with honesty and humility, and we admit that some things are too big for our hearts to bear, we will find not a disapproving God, but one who weeps with us. We will find a God who can take our grief and disappointment and transform them into holy joy and renewed hope. We will learn, ultimately, that Jesus’ death on the cross-the place to which the season of Lent leads us-is the reason we never mourn as those without hope.
- February 21 – What is Lament? (Lamentations 3:19-26)
- February 28 – “Little” Laments (Psalm 42)
- March 6 – Laments from the Depths (Psalm 88)
- March 13 – Individual Lament (Psalm 13)
- March 20 – Communal Lament (Psalm 44:1-10, 13, 17-26)
We hope you will join our Trinity family as we journey to the cross this Lenten season.
Wednesday Evening Schedule During Lent
5:00-6:30 Lenten Soup Supper (served by our youth)
5:30-6:00 Chancel Choir
6:00-6:30 Handbell Choir
7:00-7:30 Lenten Service
There will not be Confirmation classes during the Lenten Season, but students will be serving the Lenten suppers and attending the Lenten services with their families.